measure of success?
Why in this fast paced life has the ever changing mind of humans changed the very measure of success? Why have decency, humanity and love been so blatantly disregarded and acquiring wealth, fame and honour come to be understood as synonyms of success? Why today a person's life despite of fulfilling every desire is devoid of peace? Which is the better life and in the real sense what is the relation of happiness and success with acquiring wealth, fame and honour? Is it necessary that every well educated person like a doctor, engineer or a master of any art is also a good human? Or every wealthy or famous person is also a worthy human? Or is even a single person from amongst them all truly at peace and content?
Why in this fast paced life has the ever changing mind of humans changed the very measure of success? Why have decency, humanity and love been so blatantly disregarded and acquiring wealth, fame and honour come to be understood as synonyms of success? Why today a person's life despite of fulfilling every desire is devoid of peace? Which is the better life and in the real sense what is the relation of happiness and success with acquiring wealth, fame and honour? Is it necessary that every well educated person like a doctor, engineer or a master of any art is also a good human? Or every wealthy or famous person is also a worthy human? Or is even a single person from amongst them all truly at peace and content?
Nay! None of the measures from these can assert to be the true measure of a human's humanity or happiness. Then what is it that will endow a person's life with humanity, give him peace and make him successful?
Take a deep breath and contemplate these question for they are very vital.